Once I humbled myself to look His way, I found God smiling on our trip. Our searching for activities online had proved about as effective as applying to an online dating service, so we hit the road to see what we would see.

Department stores sell ladies’ hats in the UK! This specimen won for originality.

Seagulls, pigeons, and grave monuments populate the cemetery of St. Nicholas Kirk

Inside St. Nicholas. (So, if ‘Kirk’ means ‘church,’ then “Russell Kirk” means… little red church?)

View from Union St. Aberdeen’s skyline invigorates my soul.

Spires everywhere!

Penelope, Odysseus’ faithful wife, from our favorite room in Aberdeen’s Art Gallery

On the art curator’s recommendation, we dined on mussels and plaice at the Rock & Oyster. 5 stars and all our gratitude to our waitress, who played travel agent for us and wrote up a list of must-see sites in the area.

In case you can’t decipher it through the glare, that’s an ostrich. In a kilt. Welcome to Scotland!

Father’s Day is coming soon…

An illustration of my role within the family

Sometimes they cooperate!
Today we caught a train into London; we depart for the States early tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for more photos.