Monthly Archives: January 2023

Dragon hill: Birthday in South Korea

Dragon hill: Birthday in South Korea
Dragon hill: Birthday in South Korea

originally published October 28, 2024

Concluding stories of my Christmas travels in 2022…

I was determined to visit Korea before I left Japan. The chance was too good to pass up — a space traversed in a breath from the eastern side of the globe, versus leagues and hours of travel from the west.

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of this place to my family. Our time there spanned my formative years between nine and eleven years old, when I first understood myself as a world traveler, with all the stories on this blog to attest to the consequences of that … but still more importantly, Korea is where my father first laid eyes on my mother. As he hails from Virginia and she from New Mexico, they might never have met if their paths hadn’t intersected there.

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Gold town: New Year’s in Johannesburg

Gold town: New Year’s in Johannesburg
Gold town: New Year’s in Johannesburg

originally published April 25, 2023

Continuing stories of my Christmas travels

My friends Petra and Eloise transformed a four hour trek from Vleesbaai to the airport, from a chore to a bonus. We set out early in the morning, bidding the beach farewell as the highway unwound across plains and mountains, carrying us west towards the city of Cape Town.

Our road trip ranged from a rest stop petting farm to a local farmer’s market. The enterprising rest stop featured a picnic area, obstacle course, and selfie stations. I sampled a ‘roosterkoek‘ – a pastry whose baffling name initially led me to tentatively inquire why only male chickens featured.

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Vital harbor: Christmas in Vleesbaai

Vital harbor: Christmas in Vleesbaai
Vital harbor: Christmas in Vleesbaai

When I first met Petra in 2018, weeks after arriving in KwaZulu-Natal to begin teaching with the Peace Corps, she invited me to visit her home on Western Cape. This Christmas, I finally took Petra up on her invitation. After a long layover in Singapore, then a short domestic flight, I rode with Petra’s sister and family for four hours from Cape Town, across the mountains, back to the coast.

We arrived in Vleesbaai late Monday, just in time for Christmas dinner. Petra and her husband Preben outdid themselves with lamb and steak grilled in the fireplace, alongside a spread of salads, savoury sides, and cherry cake. We watched twilight creep over the water as I dusted off my Afrikaans to greet old friends and new acquaintances.

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Lion City: Layover in Singapore

Lion City: Layover in Singapore
Lion City: Layover in Singapore

After months of manic planning, with over eight different connections lined up by bus, train, and plane (all booked one-way), the day arrived for my departure from Tokunoshima for the Christmas holidays.

Though my nerves stretched taut as violin strings, I had to smile when the Lord granted me an auspicious beginning in a reminder of his covenant-keeping: A rainbow brightened the clouds as I waited for my first leg of transport, a bus to the island airport.

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