I didn’t know what to expect from Trinity Term – it was the first time in my life that I would be responsible for a single, mammoth assignment with no classes, no fixed schedule other than to research, read, and write write write!
In some ways, my time at Oxford began anew this term, as relaxed restrictions prompted a flurry of renewed gatherings and opened new doors.
My alma mater gifted me with a reflective retrospective via their career services podcast: the Hillsdale Bubble. You can listen to my interview with the very gracious host here.
The term opened on a hopeful note when my dissertation supervisor invited me to meet in person – at her office in Queen’s College! I seized the excuse to peek into the forbidden lands of other colleges (all sealed from foreign intrusion this year due to lockdown measures).
Queen’s College on High Street Peek at the college chapel
Audrey enlivened my weekly volunteering at Emmanuel Christian School by escorting me home via the scenic route along the Thames.
along the tow path the stone city of Oxford at sunset -a lovelier sight is difficult to contrive

Permitted to gather in person for Bible study again, my church hosted young adults and students in the garden of our assistant pastor – tucked among the pastel facades of Holywell Street, an emerald jewel that the family built with their own hands. This gathering marks the third occasion of s’mores in far-off lands for me: first there was the classic experience of Hershey, graham crackers, and white puffs under dripping pine trees in Philadelphia, then the sunny mix of strawberry mallows, assorted chocolates, and biscuits in South Africa, and now a creditable effort with biscuits and bars here in Oxford.
In the courtyard of St Cross College where we took our lunches this term while joining the Scriptorium (a Christian study group newly restored to meeting in-person), Audrey pointed out the embodiment of a long-time favorite word of mine: wisteria! I don’t know what it is about England, but they seem to excel in purple flowers of every shape and hue.
a gift from my ECS students, who lavish their affection on me as much as I love to read aloud with them but England’s June is best known for its roses

Upon hearing of my hopes to teach in Japan this fall, a friend connected with a DPhil student here who traveled with JET ten years ago. We looped Christ Church meadow while he filled me in on all the mishaps and magic of his time there.

Precipitating an encounter that evolved into the crowning experience of my time at Oxford, my friend Jarek invited me to a literary criticism reading group. Visiting the Canterbury Institute for the first time, I little guessed how this place would redeem my time here and bless me with everything I had been missing all year – warm fellowship, deep discussion, and food for the body as well as the soul!
wine, bread, and biscuits at the Canterbury institute I whiled away extra minutes before sessions by strolling across the street to Christ Church!
The Pusey Pilgrims walking club added local flavor to my term with excursions beyond the city limits. We tramped through rain, mud, and sunshine (all within minutes of each other) to visit Nunneham Courtenay via the public walking paths.
The most beautiful view in the world, according to a poet whose name I can’t recall including a towering redwood! approaching golden fields of rapeseed The interior has faded to a dusty museum – but Jarek and Audrey graced its resonant vault with a rendition of the Doxology
Mid-May the Lord answered a long-time prayer request: a friend from South Africa found a job! After some 18 months of applications and disappointments, this came as a much-needed reminder of God’s graciousness to us.
inspired by Gabrielle’s gift… I celebrated by splurging on a gourmet meal! …and reminded myself that some things take time
Alex, a fellow Keblite from Spain, put me in touch with a collection of ladies who sketch on Sundays in the Ashmolean museum. I joined their party for a refreshing afternoon of soaking in the masterpieces.
outside the Ashmolean with Roswyn and Charlotte an exquisitely expressive sculpture of a husband doubting his wife’s fidelity Persephone’s annual visit Oxford High Street from a few centuries ago! This tiny canvas was a gift from Anu and Herman

Another cause for celebration: Reel Talks, the Pusey House film club, recommenced this term! They hosted us for a pizza dinner and a viewing of Being There, A Man for All Seasons, and the Studio Ghibli collaboration Red Turtle – this last presented by myself.
The Pusey Pilgrims rounded off the term with an even more ambitious trip: to Blenheim Palace, birthplace of Winston Churchill.

We lunched amidst the ruins of a Roman villaa the dividing line between the farms and the estate twins! This monument gave us many giggles over its lofty inscriptions: ‘Here the Act enumerates several pieces and parecls of Land too Many to be inserted’ We never approached much closer but kept to the (free) footpaths
Meanwhile, Audrey guided me around the sights even closer to home.
outside the Castle Mound – a Norman fort later repurposed as a prison … and now a hotel with outdoor dining! the toothy door of St Mary’s – a Norman-style church in the churchyard hulks a massive yew, fabled to have inspired Alice’s rabbit hole
By June, some of the colleges reopened for limited guest access. Anya from Bible study welcomed us for an evening tour of New College.
New College has reported on the upkeep of these walls every year to the city – for more than half a millennium! the park inside the walls New College Chapel
My Hillsdale friends Audrey and Ashley indulged my desire to make up for an earlier miss (when we arrived too late in Michaelmas) and climb the University Church tower.
a friendly tourist snapped our photo overlooking the Radcliffe Camera (my favorite library) and the elite of elites, All Souls College

To my surprise and delight, the Canterbury Institute welcomed me as a Middle Reader! I capitalized on the privilege of attending their evening receptions with a visiting scholar, where the director Dominic Burbidge and I debated judicial reform in African republics.
In a final flurry of high spirits before my dissertation deadline, I dared to punt a skiff on the Thames with Audrey and fellow Keblite Taman.
Audrey booked a punt from Merton College and showed us the ropes luxuriating in the sedately drifting pace some company for our picnic of crisps and strawberries with melted chocolate Audrey and Taman risked life and limb with me at the helm!
To complete my list of missed Oxford experiences, Keble Hall hosted the first formal of the year. We donned our gowns for the occasion.

Somewhat flummoxed by finishing the bulk of my dissertation a week before the deadline, I received my supervisor’s encouragement with gratitude and made a final round of corrections after my course mate Chris’s invaluable guidance. On Monday, 14th June, my course for all intents and purposes concluded. I’m thankful to God that no matter what else happens, I can safely expect to graduate with a Master of Studies in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation.

I’m also thankful that my time in England isn’t over yet – for the next two months, I will be making up for lost time in an extended tour of the British Isles!
Yes, Kittie. If you ever lack for employment, you would have no trouble being published as a travel author. So glad to hear also that you are visiting the rest of the British Isles before returning home. Scotland and Ireland are varied and full of captivating scenery. I look forward to catching up with you when you return.
I’m so flattered, Mrs. McFadden, thank you! I wonder if any of the places I visited would be familiar to you? They are really such beautiful countries.
What a wonderfully immersive experience this communication was. Your descriptive and informative writing are excellent and the pictures make me envious of your location (a sin, I know).
It was such a pleasure hearing your voice again on the interview which you handled with grace and aplomb.
I must add congratulations on the completion of your studies that had to be hard in such difficult times.
I continue in prayer for you and thank you for including me in these communications.
In Him
Thank you, Mr. Sleete, for such high compliments! It makes me so happy to hear that you enjoyed the stories and the interview. Thank you for the loving support and prayers! I feel very blessed by it.