Tag Archives: packing

Blessed Isle: Tokunoshima tour

Blessed Isle: Tokunoshima tour
Blessed Isle: Tokunoshima tour

After our race through Tokyo, my sister and I settled in for a week of life on a small island in the Pacific.

I had eagerly anticipated introducing her to what have become my everyday scenes: the sushi lunch cafe that’s hopping during business hours, the formidable sea walls flanking the coast, the memorial library where I delight in abusing the grand piano with my fumbling fingers.

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All That We Can Desire: Packing for Peace Corps

All That We Can Desire: Packing for Peace Corps

In February when the Peace Corps accepted my application to teach English in South Africa, my brain started turning over the all-important question: What to pack?

“I’m hoping to go with just a backpack,” I told a friend.

She was aghast. “No!”

Maybe she has a point, I thought.  It doesn’t seem like much for two years and eleven weeks of living abroad.  What if I’m not ready?

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